When talking about territories, one should always seek to uncover their history and the complicated, often abusive means by which they get to be owned by certain dominant groups. The terms “losing” and “finding” strongly relate to chance. A key element of oppression suggesting that global power relations and spheres of influence have an element of randomness in them. Nature was often described in history as a vast, inexhaustible resource, a threat to human existence, a source of fascination and horror, one that has to be tamed together with its foreign inhabitants. It is a perspective that dominated the worldview set in place by the explorers, which still governs the unjust balance of power in the colonizer-colonized dynamics nowadays. Territories were turned into private property and then seemingly restituted to their occupants. This selection of films aims to uncover the relationships of dependence, subservience and control still present in the so-called liberated world. (Emil Vasilache)